
A Framework for Interactive Natural Language Debugging

Published in Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2022

Natural language systems that use hand-curated linguistic resources have advantages over Machine Learning systems in that their behavior can be examined and incrementally corrected. However, maintaining these systems is a challenge due to the amount of expertise required and the complexity of the debugging process. To address this challenge, we propose Interactive Natural Language Debugging (INLD), a framework for locating and correcting errors in a system’s linguistic resources by interacting with a user in natural language. As part of ongoing research, we present the INLD pipeline, a taxonomy of error types, and a formulation of INLD as a model-based diagnosis problem.

Recommended citation: Nakos, C., Kuthalam, M., & Forbus, K. D. (2022). A Framework for Interactive Natural Language Debugging. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems.

Entrepreneurship: A New Frontier in a Computational Science of Creativity

Published in International Conference on Computational Creativity, 2021

We present entrepreneurship as a new frontier for developing a computational science of creativity. Our experiment indicates that creativity may emerge out of the interactions between the virtual coach and a startup team, and that this human-computer co-creativity may accelerate the process by which a novice entrepreneurs can learn to create intermediate-level business models.

Recommended citation: Goel, A. K., Kuthalam, M., Hong, S., & McGreggor, K. (2021). Entrepreneurship: A New Frontier in a Computational Science of Creativity. In ICCC (pp. 367-376).